Adarve Prosthodontics Learning Center
Enhance your Knowledge and Skill. Join Adarve Prosthodontics Learning Center
Adarve Prosthodontics Learning Center is a place for the community and professionals to interact and learn. As an educator himself, Dr. Adarve believes that education is key for both patients and dentists advancement of oral health.
The center provides public education programs for patients and professional education programs for dentists. Our events are in seminar format, small group discussions, hands-on exercises and mini lectures.
Currently, we provide a comprehensive program for dentists who want to incorporate implant dentistry in their practices. This is the Esthetic Alliance Program. We utilize four module programs to train dentists in the restoration of dental implants. This is a great opportunity to learn and interact with colleagues. Dr. Adarve also accepts suggestions for topics that may be relevant to you and your practice. Dr. Adarve will share his knowledge and experience within the scope of his distinguished dental career.
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